How Long Does It Take For Sutures To Dissolve?

With the many processes of having surgeries, you may forget how important the materials that doctors may use to finish the operation. The invention of a suture is definitely a life-changing medical procedure. Stitches aren’t good to look at, but it definitely helps the patient to recover and heal their wounds. Many patients may find absorbable sutures for tummy tuck surgery as a better way to close the surgical incision. As a doctor, you’ll find yourself being bombarded with questions such as, “how long does it take for sutures to dissolve?” As a patient, on the other hand, it is also not bad to ask these questions. Prepare yourself for these great pieces of information right after you got an important surgery.
What Are Sutures?
Sutures are the medical term for stitches after a surgical operation. They are sterile, medically approved threads to close and repair incisions. Some wounds (also called lacerations) may need proper recovery and then get stitched up right away. There are some instances when a wound may need more than just the surgical threads for closing. A lot of patients with traumatic injuries get staples instead or non-dissolvable sutures. The doctor may need to use anesthesia to numb the pain when closing the wound with a suture.
Types of Sutures
Variations in sutures are one of the obvious information that a patient and doctor will need to know. These sutures come in different materials and forms. The type of suture that a patient may need depends on the kind of surgery he or she got. These stitches may dissolve in time, or needs another operation for removable. Review some of these sutures so that you can get familiar with what your surgeon will suggest for you.
Natural sutures
A doctor may suggest that a patient should get sutures that are from natural sources. These are usually collagen, soft tissues, or other natural ingredients that dissolve quickly without complications in the person’s health. The limitations of these sutures depend on the area where the surgery was done. This type of material may even contribute to a patient’s question on how long does it take for sutures to dissolve.
Non-dissolvable sutures
Common materials that include non-dissolvable sutures are made of plastic such as nylon, polypropylene, and polyester. These are usually coated with silicon, Teflon, or even polybutylene. In addition, silk is another option for its easy handling and strength. However, not a lot of doctors use silk as it has a high risk of infections in the wound.
Other Sutures
Synthetic monofilaments or man-made fibers such as PDS, Dexon, Monocryl, and Vicryl are popular names for surgeons and doctors. These types of sutures are used in different procedures such as cardiovascular or neurological as well as soft tissue wound repair. A surgeon may find these sutures more effective in closing the wound properly.
When Does A Suture Dissolve?
If you’re one of those people wondering how long does it take for sutures to dissolve, then we got the right information for you. According to doctors, most dissolvable sutures start their dissolving process after a week or two. Although, some may take more time such as months. If you are uncomfortable about your current sutures, you may want to ask your surgeon directly to remove it. It will take a bit of time to fully remove the suture as an urgent removal may cause further cuts, bleeding, and infection.
What Can I Do To Help Heal My Wound?
The recovery stage of a person who got surgery is a crucial stage. Thus, it is important for a person to care for their stitches very well. Don’t forget to clean your wound as indicated by your surgeon. Any open cuts need changing of bandages and careful washing with antiseptic. Always ensure that your wound is not wet as it will get more risks in getting bacteria. Don’t take unnecessary actions such as jumping, running, or doing strenuous activities.