Signs Of Cavity (How To Fight Off Tooth Decay Early On)

A cavity is a hole or an unfilled space in the teeth that grows bigger and wider if not treated immediately. This condition could potentially get worse and lead to bad dental situations like tooth sensitivity, decay, and tooth loss. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by knowing the early signs of the cavity and getting it examined by your dentist. Check out the blogs of this clinic to learn more about prevention, treatment, and possible restorative solutions.
How Cavities Form
It’s easier to prevent cavities if you know how exactly they form and what are the elements that contribute to their occurrence. When you eat foods, specifically those with carbohydrates (milk, soda, bread, pasta, cake, or the likes), they usually stay in your teeth for a period of time. Because of this, the debris will get in contact with the bacteria residing in your mouth which eventually turns them into acids. Afterwhich, there will be a process of combining the formed acids, bacteria, saliva, and food particles that results in plaque. Plaque build-up is the responsible component as to why cavities form. They create tiny holes in your teeth by weakening the enamel.
Cavities are usually diagnosed in children but it is also a common dental problem for adults. The reason for this is because as we get older, our gums are gradually pulling away from our teeth, leaving an exposed tooth root for plaque build-up. Excessive consumption of foods rich in sugar can also be the root cause of your cavities.
Signs Of Cavity
The most common sign of a cavity is tooth sensitivity. Sometimes, the holes are too small to even be noticed. So if you are experiencing the following signs and symptoms of a cavity, consult your dentist right away:
- Noticeable changes in color and display of dark spots. when a cavity is starting to progress, you will notice some discoloration that you might even think of as the usual teeth stain. But as it continues on spreading, the discoloration will get larger over time and dark spots will start to emerge as well. In some cases, white or lights spots appear on the surface of the tooth as well.
- Sensitivity to cold or hot foods. The signs of a cavity will not be complete without tooth sensitivity. As the cavity keeps on growing, your dentin will become more exposed to bacteria, when this happens, you will feel sensitivity whenever you eat or drink hot and cold foods.
- Tiny holes in the teeth. Cavity signs will keep on showing as time goes by. Without treatment, holes will start to emerge on teeth. This is the most popular sign that a cavity has already infiltrated your teeth and fillings are very much needed. Fillings will prevent tooth decay as they will fill in the gaps where more plaque can infect.
- Odd taste and foul breath odor. The bacteria that caused your cavity can also promote bad breath as it creates waste with an unpleasant odor. Most of the time, bad breath is also accompanied by an odd taste in the mouth. If this has become a common occurrence, it’s time to give your dentist a call.
- Toothache and discomfort. Severe cavities can cause pain as well. Some people experience difficulty in biting or chewing without suffering from tooth pain. Even brushing can become quite challenging for a few patients too.
- Bleeding gums. Cavities can also be diagnosed with bleeding gums. This happens when the cavity is near the gums and directly affects the tissue around it. As a result, you might notice blood coming out whenever you brush your teeth. Visit to read about gingivitis treatment.
Cavity Complications
Having a cavity is a serious dental problem that needs to be addressed accordingly. If you suspect that you have cavities and chose to ignore them anyway, you might go through the complications that come with it such as:
- Teeth abscess
- Tooth loss
- Sensitivity
- Puss in the tooth
- Chewing troubles
- Shifting teeth
- Chipped, cracked, broken, and damaged teeth
Tooth loss is the worst thing that could happen to your teeth. Losing a tooth means losing its function not only in chewing but also in supporting your dental structure. You can avoid this by following safety precautions to prevent cavities.
How to Avoid Cavities
Preventing cavities is a rewarding thing to do. It enables you to maintain your oral and overall health and saves you from the unpleasant complications of tooth decay. You can keep your teeth healthy by being a responsible individual who adheres to the following preventative methods:
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste regularly. Teeth brushing is the most important part of oral care. Do this twice a day or after every meal to wash away the debris that might start plaque.
- Use a mouthwash. Mouthwash has been proven to be an effective rinse against bacteria. Without bacteria, plaque won’t find a way to infect your teeth.
- Attend your dental appointments. According to dentists, a person should visit their dentist every 6 months for regular check-ups.
- Avoid sugary or sweet foods. Sugar is the main reason why some people have cavities. It can start a huge amount of acid in the mouth so be sure to wash it away with water all the time.
- Eat foods that are good for the teeth. You can also prevent cavities by eating foods that are proven to be effective in strengthening the teeth. Foods that are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and Vit. C can be helpful in keeping your teeth and bones strong and healthy.
- Consider treatments. Some people are prone to tooth decay because of a lack of fluoride making them a vulnerable victim of plaque build-up. Depending on the actual condition of your teeth, your dentist might recommend some strategies such as fluoride treatments to protect you from decay.
Total Care Dental Studio believes that the most reliable way to find out if you have a cavity is by swinging by your dentist’s office and explaining the signs and symptoms that you are experiencing. They will conduct a series of examinations or X-ray tests to come up with an accurate diagnosis and provide you with the best treatments.