Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss?

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Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss?

Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss

Are you sick of getting cavities even though you’re responsible with your hygiene? Why do I get cavities even though I brush and floss? It may not just be a question of why, but how and what causes cavities. Your dentist may say, it is due to bacteria build-up, which is the main reason for plaque, tartar, and calculus in a person’s gum line. Then again, there are other factors to look into when cavities occur often. Also, the team at Mint Dental Care advises that patients with cavities must watch out for other symptoms or side – effects. A periodontist can also examine if you have far worse than cavities, such as gingivitis or periodontal diseases. 


What Are The Causes Of Cavities For Kids, Adults, And Seniors?

Are you wondering why do I get cavities even though I brush and floss and yet you may have vague answers on the internet? Let’s go down to the main reasons for cavities for each age. Children, for example, lack the responsibility to brush and floss their teeth and gums at night. For teens and adults, it is commonly through various foods, drinks, and unhealthy habits like smoking or alcoholic beverages that enhance cavity production. Seniors, on the other hand, may not have healthy, strong bones and soft tissues that can support their overall health condition. Anyone is susceptible to having cavities despite people who always brush and floss every day. 


Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss?

Is there a medical and scientific explanation of still getting cavities despite countless dental hygiene? Tooth decay may seem like a harmless, treatable disease without casualties. But, according to a case study, tooth decay is almost as infectious as the common cold. Cavities always lead to gum disease that you may even have to be careful with the way you brush and floss. Here are some details that can clarify why do I (you) get cavities even though I brush and floss. 


Dry Mouth

Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss Drink Water

Have you heard of the term xerostomia? Dry mouth or xerostomia occurs from reasons like medication, cancer symptoms, aging, and side effect of radiation of the head and neck. The problem of having a dry mouth is that bacteria sticks to the tongue, cheeks, and teeth longer. Without saliva, the product of bacteria, which is the translucent plaque wears dentin and enamel. It is essential to also include regular water intake in your health solutions to prevent dry mouth from occurring. 



People may also have a medical history and genetic makeup that make them prone to getting cavities. Malocclusion, congenital disabilities, rare disease, or more that don’t have concrete answers may affect a person’s cavity build-up. Today, there are at least 3.5 billion people globally that are affected by oral diseases. The World Health Organization also mentions that 530 million children suffer from dental caries (tooth decay) without the right dental healthcare. 


Lack Of Sleep

Sleep is essential for everyone, not only because you want to regain your energy and strength back. But, sleep has a connection with your physical and dental health. Without sleep, your immune system weakens, making you prone to various diseases. Moreover, sleeping disorders like insomnia tend to stem into unhealthy eating habits, stress, and anxiety. Why do I get cavities even though I brush and floss? If you want to get rid of cavities even though you brush and floss, start by addressing your concerns on your sleep from the nearest hospital.


Unhealthy Diet

You can say thanks, but no thanks on many unhealthy habits that you have that affects your cavities. According to medical and dental experts, diet takes a huge toll on a person’s health condition. With many products that have trans-fat or sugar camouflaged in pastries or snacks, people may not be aware that their diet puts their oral health in danger. Soda, candy, even a cheap mouthwash may also contain sugar that sticks on braces and your toothbrush. 


Are You Brushing And Flossing Wrong? Ask A Dentist 

Do you know the right way to brush and floss? Now is the time to correct your hygiene and research about the answer on brushing and flossing correctly. Of course, your dentist may be the best professional to guide you. On our take, we also have some suggestions that you may try doing at home. Notably, there is a better approach on how to floss without bleeding or making your gums swell. 


  • To Brush Properly

Why Do I Get Cavities Even Though I Brush And Floss Hygiene

Make sure that you lubricate your brush with water and apply a pea-sized toothpaste on it. Put your toothbrush inside your mouth and use strokes to brush the front teeth at an angle that touches both your gums and teeth. Continue making gentle brush strokes on the top of your teeth from the outside going to the inside of the mouth. You may use the back of your toothbrush to scrape off saliva and dirt of your tongue or use another dental instrument for this. 


  • To Floss Carefully

You can greatly reduce bad breath with regular flossing to improve dental hygiene. To floss doesn’t require you to have long wax lines to put inside your teeth forcefully. Instead, have an ample amount of floss lines that you can roll in between your two index fingers. Then, slowly insert the line in between your teeth. It may bleed at first, but you can be sure to have a clean mouth afterward.

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